
Starvation = Greener Planet

Almost as much fun as watching the current internecine warfare in the Democratic Party, is watching liberals as they realize that alleged solutions for their current hot fad cause, "Global Warming", are in fact quite detrimental to another perennial favorite, "Global Hunger/Poverty".

One wonders how they might de-conflict their desire to cool the planet, with their desire to prevent the starvation of the Third World poor (or COSTCO shoppers).

However, for the really extreme environmentalists (as opposed to those who learn to "go green" from NBC peer pressure Public Service Announcements), there is no conflict.

In fact for their Eco-Extremist agenda to be successful, they actually want millions billions of people to starve off. You see, a truely "green" planet is one that is devoid of human life.
"Curing a body of cancer requires radical and invasive therapy, and therefore, curing the biosphere of the human virus will also require a radical and invasive approach..."
No wonder the environmentalists are pushing ethanol so hard. It *can* save the planet. Ethanol = Starvation = Greener Planet

I guess it is just too bad we won't be around to see it....

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers! For a great collection of alternative Climate/Environmental news that you won't find during Earth Week, check out Doug Ross.


StormCchaser said...

The whole corn ethanol really is turning out to be a "Charlie Foxtrot" for the environmentalists.

However, many of these people are quite capable of living with logical contradictions in their belief system - unfortunately for all of us.

Anonymous said...

What changed my mind, as a Columbia/Harvard trained PhD in chemistry and nanotechnology was reading Lomborg's first book ('The Skeptical Environmentalist') since not only does it present opposing data to most claims of doom (forest cover in the USA has increased 1% a year for 40 years etc.) but, much worse, the dozens of quotes from mainstream environmentalists, the worst I recall being the panic that initial claims of Cold Fusion created in the Environmental Movement, the sort of quotes being about how this would merely power more bulldozers to destroy jungles. That that Sky was not Falling was angering, in that as a scientist I took it at face value when another field of science presented its claims that humans were mindlessly destructive to the biosphere. Finding out you've been lied to makes you a bit angry. Finding out that mainstream, billion-dollar supported organizations WANT to create genocide, wordwide, that's infuriating. The Net is the *only* thing slowing them down, since the Media makes a lot of money off of any doomsday predictions. They already have the blood of millions on their hands for the single act of banning DDT (putting it in the top 12 most harmful chemicals on Earth category, wordwide) just as malaria was about to be wiped out for good, but indeed now WANT to bath in the blood of billions. How many people have died as I've taken the time to write this, directly from the anti-energy, anti-pesticide, anti-fertilizer, anti-genetically-modified-crops, ant-etc. of their Movement? I don't even want to think about it. Tens of thousands EVERY DAY. From infant mortality alone in unsanitary conditions, it's 30K divided by 24 hours, divided by 60 minutes, times five minutes = 104 babies. Sorry kids, you died before you could even open your eyes because your country's economy has been crippled by not only people with good intentions paving roads to hell, but also by people who know full well where their policies will lead.

gs said...

I wonder how many well-bred first-worlders who are not environmental extremists have the thought, "Distressing, but the planet is overpopulated..."

And never ever acknowledge their reaction or share it with anyone else.