It is even better when your CEO is the President of the United States, which forces the television news outlets to show your products that the CEO/POTUS is using as a backdrop...
Standing in front of a Jeep Grand Cherokee in Chrysler's Jefferson North Detroit assembly plant Friday afternoon, President Obama Friday declared that Chrysler "was building the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow." Come again? The visual non-sequitor was one of many jarring notes in his "Mission Accomplished" visit to Detroit automakers. At one point the president even compared Chrysler's bailout to winning the lottery -- hardly a model for planning long-term corporate security. Eager to claim credit for charting a new course for Detroit with "targeted investments making new technologies," the president strangely chose as his backdrop the iconic Jeep SUV brand that first launched the small truck craze in the 1980s. This the same vehicle that Obama and his green allies condemn as having laid waste to the planet.
Given the seemingly unfair advantage in having the most powerful politician in the world pitch your/his product on free & live TV, on might wonder if Ford might want to petition the Federal Communications Commission for equal time....