But I particularly like this pair of Democrats who apparently are disaffected with the form democracy they live under:

Lets follow the logic here...a Governor who won a legitimate, regularly scheduled election by 6 points and has been in office just over one month, is somehow comparable to a military strongman who ran his country virtually unopposed for the last 30 years by putting most political opposition in jail or worse? Sure...
To take it one step further, these geniuses are suggesting that a recent legitimate election be invalidated because they are unhappy with the result, and....what...have the Wisconsin National Guard take over the state government??
And I wonder how the protesters in Egypt feel about folks with pretty well paying jobs (or any jobs for that matter) appropriating the Egyptian cause for their own selfish ends?
To take it one step further, these geniuses are suggesting that a recent legitimate election be invalidated because they are unhappy with the result, and....what...have the Wisconsin National Guard take over the state government??
And I wonder how the protesters in Egypt feel about folks with pretty well paying jobs (or any jobs for that matter) appropriating the Egyptian cause for their own selfish ends?
This is exactly why I voted and worked to help get these republicans elected. I look forward to doing even more next election and before then if needed.
Someone should interview people carrying this sign and ask them that: "Who should take over? The military? Someone appointed by the President?"
Let them own the crazy logic. Either they'll follow it to its end, or they'll realize, uh, maybe the comparison isn't apt.
Sir, why is the Governor still insisting on removing collective bargaining rights? The unions have already agreed to the changes in benefits etc. As regards your main comment: people call it like it is, I have seen our President called everything from Hitler to Stalin. I also reviewed his recent press releases: I note no mention is made of the tax cuts given to corporates in January which EQUAL the amounts being reduced from the Public Sector.
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