
Another Rube Bites The Dust

Today's release of the latest employment figures was greeted with the normal cheerleading from journalistic titans like The Today Show, and The View....

But it also garnered scorn from the standard retinue of reality-based individuals who have the temerity to point out the obvious....the unemployment rate actually dropped because more people are not working.

As pointed out by Instapundit, this growing cabal of racist naysayers of President Obama's heroic rescue of the American economy now includes the Washington Post....
THE BAD REVIEWS KEEP COMING IN — AND THAT’S JUST AT THE WAPO: The five worst things about this crummy jobs report.
However this not just the WaPo, but the insufferable Ezra Klein.  You just know Obama has jumped the shark when stalwart rubes like Klein refuse to toe the line...and then whip out charts and figures to cut the President's rosy economic agitprop off at the knees.

However, the best takedown of the recent "improvement" in unemployment is offered by @travesham in under 140 characters:
Our drop from 8.1% unemployment to 7.3% is analogous to losing 20 pounds by cutting off a body part.
And Obama will call it a dieting success!


Bruce Rheinstein said...

Congrats on the Installanche! However Google is flagging your site for malware, so you may not be getting much referred traffic.

Thucydides said...

Even the 8.1% figure was fantasy, given the relentless manipulation of figures. Adding everyone who is actually not working back in brings the unemployment rate to over 10% (a figure that it has been at for most of the first term of the Obama administration).

We will know the magic spell has been broken when former rubes start to acknowledge that figure....

Thucydides said...
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