I mean, what could be worse when you are trying to convince a non-plussed American public that Global Warming is a problem that requires immediate action and immediate infusions of American tax dollars, and then to battle the following headlines:
GLOBAL WARMING 'AGREEMENT' OBAMA RACES HOME FOR BLIZZARDWhat with all the self-appointed smartest people in the world meeting in Denmark, you would think at least some of them could have figured out that it might make better propaganda if they could show their delegates sweating in un-air conditioned meeting rooms while working out an agreement.
DC snowstorm forces Pelosi to cut short her global warming trip
NYC Expecting Up to 10 Inches of Snow
Up to 20-inches in DC
Alaska sees record snow: Five feet, 8 inches deep!
Instead heretics like me get to cackle when Global Warming protests get snowed out, winters get worse, or they are forced to break out the shovels in Copenhagen....
I mean, how hard could it be for someone to think "We should do this in Vegas in July!"
Debauchery AND triple-digit temperatures. What could be better for the UN technocrat trying to make a point to us knuckle dragging layabouts without the threat of snow drifts distracting from the message.
Too hard apparently....but it doesn't bother me....

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