
Latte Liberals

First the Tea Party on the right. Now the lefties feel left out....
Furious at the tempest over the Tea Party -- the scattershot citizen uprising against big government and wild spending -- Annabel Park did what any American does when she feels her voice has been drowned out: She squeezed her anger into a Facebook status update.

"let's start a coffee party . . . smoothie party. red bull party. anything but tea. geez. ooh how about cappuccino party? that would really piss 'em off bec it sounds elitist . . . let's get together and drink cappuccino and have real political dialogue with substance and compassion."
Coffee Party? How about Latte Party? That is more appropriate...

But unlike what is stated, it does not "piss me off because it sounds elitist", it just proves the point that they are elitist....

And they continue to wonder why they are called limousine liberal, gucci marxists, and champagne socialists....


Dan said...

It's not tea party. It's T.E.A. Party. Taxed Enough Already! What a bunch of liberal idiots.

Larry Sheldon said...

Latte, limo liberals.

That about wraps them up.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Would it have hurt you to have done even just the tiniest bit of research into who's involved with this effort and what they've done in the past?

Ironically, the group behind this effort promoted someone linked to one of the major teaparty stringpullers; on that issue, the tea and coffee parties are on the same side (with the great majority of Americans on the other side).

SMSgt Mac said...

An appropriate label, but may I propose another one?:
The 'Koffee Klatchura'
It's how I've been thinking of them since I had a piece of art work coopted for a coffee-table book printed by a boutique lefty publishing house about 2 1/2 years ago.


How about "Teabagees"?

Tatter said...


RebeccaH said...

The fact that the San Antonio Coffee Party members joined a MoveOn.org rally told me everything I need to know about them. Basically, they're a bunch of people who think they can get pie-in-the-sky utopia via Big Government.

Larry Sheldon said...

Actually "people who think..." is overestimating their capabilities by a wide margin.

The simple obvious facts are: their controllers are trying to neutralize the Tea Party movement because it is hurting them bad.

Larry Sheldon said...

Coffee Party--home of Kopi luwak or
Pre-packaged percolated cat poop.

Micha Elyi said...

Red Bull Party? Excellent. Ms. Annabel Park picks a name that identifies both her politics and her agenda.