I was a Romney supporter, so I was disappointed to see him not compete well, and ultimately pull out. Heck, I didn't even get a chance to vote for him.
I have also not been in love with John McCain as a presidential candidate. I subscribe to Hugh Hewitt's mantra that he is "A great American, an lousy Senator, and a horrible Republican".
That said, I will vote for him in November (albeit by absentee ballot...more on that later)
Why, you ask?
Because, like it or not, our choice is between a semi-conservative, and either an opportunist or a confirmed leftist. No contest.
Besides, if you are thinking about sitting this election out to "send the GOP a message", you can see how well that worked in the 2006 election.
Other thoughts in this vein from around the blogosphere:
Seven Reasons To Support The GOP's Nominee (Hugh Hewitt)
"There are seven reasons for anyone to support the eventual nominee no matter who it is: The war and six Supreme Court justices over the age of 68."
Biting the Bullet"McCain for President. Or we're
really screwed."
Letting the Dems win so they can fail, then a real conservative can win in 2012"A retreat before victory is assured in Iraq cannot be undone in 2012. And mandatory, single-payer, universal health care, once established, will not EVER go away either."
All are worthy reads, and all point to the fact hat we must support McCain, even if you must hold your nose when you cast your vote.