The only response to this less-than-subtle statement by Barack Obama staffers is this:

'nuff said!
Unless of course you prefer this variation:

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers...Do freedom and capitalism a solid and buy one of those cool shirts! (PS-I have no affiliation)
UPDATE II: Texas Rainmaker points out why Che was a plain ol' bad guy, and should not be deified:
1. Che was responsible for the execution of thousands of political prisoners in Cuba (most of them purely for their opposition to Castro’s communist policies or for no reason at all).But hey, he rode a motorcycle, he can't be that bad right?
2. Che enjoyed torturing and abusing the prisoners, including children.
3. Che was instrumental in setting up the Castro regime’s massive forced labor camps and secret police apparatus.
4. Che tried to organize campaigns of terrorism against civilians in the US and elsewhere (though he largely failed in these efforts).
UPDATE III: More Good insight:
"If you were running a candidate’s local campaign office, what would you put on the wall? Old Glory? The Texas flag? Or maybe the banner of a hostile Communist police state?"
Instalaunched. Congrats. Nice blog name, too. Heh.
If it'd been the Stars & Bars, is there any question it wouldn't have been permitted? (I know it's a non sequitur, but it was the second thing that struck me, right after the "Oh Lord, it's that hairy fool again."
If Obama can see farther than other men, it is because he stands on the shoulders of so many little commies.
That's just sick. Unfortunately his supporters will only think this makes him MORE cool and 'progressive'. :(
I actually have that Commies Aren't Cool shirt. It really ticks liberals off.
I'm sure you'll want to correct your description of these "staffers" once you realize Fox News actually posted this disclaimer:
"The office featured in this video is funded by volunteers of the Barack Obama Campaign and is not an official headquarters for his campaign."
Zuzu, I am not sure what the problem is...volunteers are *unpaid staffers*. And it may not be an official Obama office...yet. If you listen closely the reporter states that the paid staffers will be moving in later in the week. That sounds fairly "official" to me...
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