
'Our Best Interests'

As usual, Mark Steyn does the best job of pointing out the idiocracy of the liberal view of what is in the best interests of this country:

"Obama and far too many Democrats have bought into this delusion, most thoroughly distilled in Thomas Frank's book "What's The Matter With Kansas?", whose argument is that heartland voters are too dumb (i.e., "moronic muppets") to vote for their own best interests.

Europeans did "vote for their own best interests" – i.e., cradle-to-grave welfare, 35-hour workweeks, six weeks of paid vacation, etc. – and as a result they now face a perfect storm of unsustainable entitlements, economic stagnation and declining human capital that's left them so demographically beholden to unassimilable levels of immigration that they're being remorselessly Islamized with every passing day. We should thank God (forgive the expression) that America's loser gun nuts don't share the same sophisticated rational calculation of "their best interests" as do Thomas Frank, Obama, too many Democrats and the European political establishment.

Had this view of "our best interests" been prevelant 232 years ago, then perhaps we would still bebe sending our taxes to London rather than Washington.

In short, this upcoming election is really about whther we want to continue being the US of A, or whether we desire to be the European Union.

1 comment:

ajw308 said...

There was an iron mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. I think it was the White Pine mine, but am not sure.

It was privately owned and the owner ran it on a tight budget, not paying his employees "what they were worth", yet he paid them enough that they stayed, rather than take some better paying job over the horizon.

Then he sold the company to the employees. I'm guessing it was an ESOP. And the first thing the new owners did was give themselves a big raise and all over town new Ford 4X4's appeared.

In a couple of years the mine went bankrupt. All the well paid employees were out of a job. So much for the long term benefits of their raise.

Yea, I know that's an anecdotal story, but I think there's a lesson on human nature in it.