
Meet the New War....

...same as the Old War?

Instapundit links to President Obama's new orders to
our forces in the war on terror:
HOPE AND CHANGE! ABC NEWS: Obama to CIA: Bombs Away! No Let Up in US Drone Attacks.
A simple translation...keep 'Air Raiding Villages & Killing Civilians' guys....

So much for that Hope & Change®...


Unknown said...

do you really think Obama would launch attacks without very good reason? Give the guy a chance your divisiveness is sickening.

John Enright said...

all we are saying, is give war a chance

Broadsword said...

You mean Obama does not deserve the same "sickening divisiveness" dished out by the left upon President Bush for eight years? When did "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" exit the stage, replaced by blind obedience? I'm sure the attacks were launched for the same reason as President Bus. You tell me; was it security or blood for oil?

oldcwo said...

Obama lied, people died.