
Tales From The Echo Chamber....

More developments out of the 'Coffee Party', or as I coined them, the 'Latte Party'
Coffee Party is a no-show on Fox and Friends
They did not accept the interview invitation because it would be "focused on fostering ongoing political divisions..."
In other words, we don't what any differing opinions from entering our liberal echo chamber...

News flash for the 'Coffee Party' crowd...there will always be "ongoing political divisions". That is how liberty and democracy work. People have free and differing opinions, they debate..they

I suspect that what this collectivist coffee klatch really means is that they only want to be interviewed by those who will tell them how courageous they are and won't challenge their sensitive ideals.

Thus if all they ever hear are supportive and re-affirming voices (hence the echo chamber), then they can convince themselves that they are the
real voice of the American people, and not those racist, red-neck fascists and their Tea Party....

[Hat Tip: Instapundit]

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