
The *Real* Ellie Light...

Who would take the energy to write "powerful paeans in praise of the President" to 47 newspapers in 23 states?

Dear Washington Post, A year ago.....

I suppose we should wait to see if 'Ms. Light' sends letters to newspapers in all 57 states....

UPDATE: Welcome fellow Instapundit disciples.... On a serious note, please visit Team Rubicon (A Milblogger medical team providing much needed services on the ground in Haiti), and help them help the Haitians. Thank You.

UPDATE II: Dan Riehl has some interesting observations...


K T Cat said...

Does he really hold his pen like that?

Warren said...

That's the left-hander's most common grip...no story there...

Bruce Wayne said...

Is there a legal way to remove him from office?

Flight-ER-Doc said...

Sure: Elect someone else in 3 years...

R.L. Hunter said...

OMG He really is a lefty :-0

AntiCitizenOne said...

How sinister,

ic said...

Bruce Wayne: perish the thought, right this second.

Which one do you prefer: president Biden, president Pelosi, or president Hillary?

I would say he has enough insurance policy for three more years.

Jamie said...

Following on ic's and Flight-ER-Doc's comments... so the best thing to do for the next three years is to obstruct pretty much anything this administration wants to do, by whatever legal and Constitutional means possible. Most especially, VOTE in the mideterms!

Pat said...

ic: You skipped over someone in your summary of the line of Presidential succession. Hillary Clinton is not third in line for the Presidency; she is fourth. Third in line is Robert Byrd, the 92-year-old president pro tempore of the Senate.

ic said...

Pat: Now Bruce really have to purge his thought and say his prayers for the One's good health.

commoncents said...


Common Cents

ps. Link Exchange??

submandave said...

"I never thought these letters were real, until one day..."